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Healing your heart is no easy feat. If you're looking for free breakup advice, you've found the right place!

Dr. Andrea Liner
Mar 15, 2023
How Long Will it Take to Get Over my Ex?
I'm keeping it real with you today... It could take you a few weeks... it could take you a few years... It DEPENDS. I know, I know......

Dr. Andrea Liner
Mar 2, 2023
MYTH: The person that ended the relationship isn't in pain
Ending a relationship is hard on both sides! Just because you were the one that ended the relationship doesn't mean you aren't allowed to...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Feb 14, 2023
Broken Hearts are Expensive.
Broken hearts and repeated maladaptive patterns are expensive. Period. 💸 Sometimes the cost is tangible like when you're literally...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Feb 1, 2023
Why are Breakups Seen as a Bad Thing?
We as a society seem to have labelled breakups as a sort of failure or shortcoming... BUT they are quite the opposite! "Aww, it's...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Jan 3, 2023
What do Breakups and Broken Toes Have in Common?
When we go through something emotional, we usually never give ourselves the same amount of leeway that we would if it was something...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Dec 6, 2022
4 Tips for Surviving Holiday Gatherings During a Breakup
Prepare & Practice Think ahead of time of what kind of conversations you are or are not willing to have about your breakup. Remember that...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Nov 8, 2022
Feel Your Feelings
Feeling your feelings means you need to be feeling crappy and thinking about it ALL the time. WRONG. In reality, we always want to...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Oct 11, 2022
This is Not Forever.
Repeat after me... This is NOT forever. No matter how awful and heartbroken you feel right now in this moment, it will not always feel...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Sep 27, 2022
A Breakup Can Actually be One of the Best Things to Happen to You
A breakup can actually be one of the best things to ever happen to you if you let it! I know this might be the last thing you agree with...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Sep 13, 2022
Are You Ready to Start Dating Again?
This is one of the most common questions I get as a licensed clinical psychologist and breakup coach. The annoying truth is that it...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Aug 30, 2022
Imagine How Much You Can Love the RIGHT Person
"If you can love the wrong person so much, imagine how much you can love the right one." Would it surprise you to hear that one of my...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Aug 16, 2022
Let's Talk About Breakup Narratives
When we're going through a breakup, we subconsciously apply all sorts of narratives to the situation. Here's a few examples... "I'm...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Aug 3, 2022
Stop Checking In On Your Ex
When you throw that trash out, do you go outside later to see how it's doing? No. So stop checking in on your ex. This might be hard to...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Jul 21, 2022
The Truth About Setting Boundaries
Boundaries are a hot topic in the mental health world nowadays. Typically, we see people say that you have the right to set any...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Jun 8, 2022
The Most Important Factor in Healing From Your Breakup
When it comes to getting over a breakup, whether you think you can or can't, you're right. It starts with mindset. THE most important...

Dr. Andrea Liner
May 24, 2022
Do you feel like you are backtracking in your breakup?
So you're going through a breakup and feel like you are backtracking... Maybe you're missing your ex or you're having a hard time...

Dr. Andrea Liner
May 10, 2022
Can You Be Friends with Your Ex?
YES. I know you're shocked by that answer... It does depend on the nature of the breakup and the protocol you follow after you breakup....

Dr. Andrea Liner
Feb 4, 2022
6 Things to Think About When Considering a Breakup
Should you break up with your significant other? It's never a great feeling to be considering a breakup, but sometimes it's...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Feb 4, 2022
How to Rebuild Your Life After a Breakup
Your relationship is over, now what?! Your partner is gone and you are left trying to figure out what life was like before them. Here are...

Dr. Andrea Liner
Feb 4, 2022
Are You Settling or Have Your Priorities Changed?
There are times we start to reflect on our current relationship and notice that it looks different than what we once thought we wanted....
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