What My Clients Are Saying...
"I only wish I would've contacted Dr. Andrea sooner...
She armed me with a toolbox of philosophies and strategies to combat all grief that comes from a breakup. She not only helped me get through a breakup, but set me up to be more successful in future relationships.”
“I’ve never had someone walk me through the relationship...
help me understand my own tendencies and attachment style, and give sound psychological advice and support the way Dr. Andrea did. I now have such a deeper understanding of my own roles in relationships and how to be more successful in the future. Anyone who’s gotten their heart broken needs to do this work!”
"Dr. Andrea's insight, coaching, and advice turned what could've been a terrible year into one of best of my life...
I went through a breakup a few years back; It was tough and probably the lowest point of my life. Then I went though a second breakup with the same woman, and it was surprising to me how different those 2 similar experiences were. Dr. Andrea was a big part of that.
"To say Andrea is an incredible person and clinician is an understatement...
You not only get help healing from a break up you learn so much about yourself. Who you are, what you want and need in a relationship. And what undesirable qualities you may be subconsciously bringing to the table. She coaches, guides you, cheers you on, and helps you develop a whole different identity for yourself. It’s worth every penny in spades. After our time together I knew exactly how to move forward and I learned how not to ignore red flags or settle. But most importantly, she taught me that the right person will think the sun shines out of my ass! Literally, you cannot screw up what is meant for you. And sometimes that means coming to terms with yourself and loving yourself above all. I HIGHLY recommend her. There is no better program or support out there!