When we're going through a breakup, we subconsciously apply all sorts of narratives to the situation.
Here's a few examples...
"I'm just the kind of person that people leave so it was honestly inevitable that she got sick of me and ended it."
"If I were more attractive or more successful, he wouldn't have broken up with me."
"Relationships are always doomed. I'm lucky we lasted this long but I know nothing good ever lasts."
Narratives are the STORIES we tell ourselves and how we make sense of the world around and the events that happen to us.
They're very subjective and perspective-based.
They are NOT objective truth (even thought they may feel that way!)
With narratives, we take facts and INTERPRET them
The way we interpret has a lot to do with our MINDSET and engrained, hard-wired beliefs about the world.
It's incredibly hard to stick to the "facts" when there's emotional interference.
So... what are some narratives you've assigned around your breakup?