Heartbreak. Pain. Anger. Tears. Lots and lots of tears.
It all comes with the territory of breakups.
If you’re here, it probably means you’re going through a breakup. It might feel like your world is turned upside down and you have no idea where to go from here. Trust me, I know that feeling — I’ve seen it in hundreds of clients and experienced it myself (more than once). I want you to know you’re not alone with this. And most importantly, you WILL get through it — and you’ll come out the other side healed, empowered, and ready for the healthy, loving relationship you’ve always dreamed of!
That’s where I come in…

hey there!
I'm Dr. Andrea Liner, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist and breakup coach. You can call me The Breakup Doc!
I’ve dedicated the last 7+ years of my life to helping people like you move through breakups faster and come out stronger. In our work together, you’ll get my years of experience and knowledge as a clinical psychologist, plus the support and honest advice of a friend who’s been there too...crying on the bathroom floor. Because yes, even trained experts go through gut-wrenching breakups. Mine inspired my career!
I call myself the Breakup Doc because I believe that emotional pain deserves just as much attention and care as physical ailments. We are so much kinder to ourselves when we’re dealing with a physical condition. Think about it…would you beat yourself up for not going to the gym or performing 100% at work if you had the flu? Probably not! I invite you to give yourself the same compassion and grace as you move through a breakup. I also want you to have the support you need! If you’re sick, you head to the doctor. When you’re struggling with heartbreak, I’m here to guide you through the healing process! Let’s do this together 🤍
XO, Andrea
P.S.: Want to hear about my messiest breakups…and the lessons I learned from them?!
Breakup Coaching Is For You If…
You’re looking for guidance, comfort, and support as you move through a breakup
You’ve spent hours venting to friends about your ex and you’re worried they’re sick of it
You’re stalking their Instagram in the middle of the night and you just can’t LET. IT. GO.
You’re left asking, “What happened? Did I do something wrong? Is it me?”
You want tangible tips so you can finally do something to move past this relationship
You’re looking to break toxic patterns in your relationships
You want to break your ex’s hold over you once and for all
You’re ready to attract a healthy, stable, loving relationship with someone who sees and understands you for who you are!
If this sounds like you, let’s talk!


Healing Services
Relationship Diagnosis
An intensive one-on-one session to look at the symptoms of your current relationship and plan your next move.
Breakup ER
Comprehensive and personalized care including 1:1 video coaching sessions, voice messaging, an accountability tracker, and more.
Breakup Comprehensive Care
A 3 month container dedicated to healing your heart and getting you ready to get back into dating.
The Breakup Hospital
A Breakup Recovery Program designed to help you not only feel better about your breakup, but also to teach you how to break cycles, change patterns, and to ultimately find your next, better relationship.
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